Light Hi-Fi - Sherlock is a television crime drama that presents a contemporary adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holme...
Light Hi-Fi - Sherlock is a television crime drama that presents a contemporary adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories. Created by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, it stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Doctor John Watson. The first series of three episodes aired in 2010, while series two aired in 2012, and a third series aired in the first quarter of 2014. The third series has become the UK's most watched drama series since 2001. A single episode aired in 2016, as a Victorian-era special. Sherlock has been sold to over 200 territories.
Sherlock depicts "consulting detective" Holmes, assisting the Metropolitan Police Service, primarily Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves), in solving various crimes. Holmes is assisted by his flatmate, Dr John Watson, who has returned from military service in Afghanistan. Although the series depicts a variety of crimes and perpetrators, Holmes' conflict with his archenemy Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is a recurring feature. Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey), a pathologist at Bart's Hospital occasionally assists Holmes in his cases. Other recurring roles include Una Stubbs as Mrs Hudson, Holmes and Watson's landlady; and co-creator Mark Gatiss as Sherlock's brother, Mycroft Holmes. In January 2014, Moffat confirmed that the series would have a fourth series, and that a fifth series had been plotted.[3] As of 8 January 2017, 12 episodes of Sherlock have aired, including one special
Sherlock depicts "consulting detective" Holmes, assisting the Metropolitan Police Service, primarily Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade (Rupert Graves), in solving various crimes. Holmes is assisted by his flatmate, Dr John Watson, who has returned from military service in Afghanistan. Although the series depicts a variety of crimes and perpetrators, Holmes' conflict with his archenemy Jim Moriarty (Andrew Scott) is a recurring feature. Molly Hooper (Louise Brealey), a pathologist at Bart's Hospital occasionally assists Holmes in his cases. Other recurring roles include Una Stubbs as Mrs Hudson, Holmes and Watson's landlady; and co-creator Mark Gatiss as Sherlock's brother, Mycroft Holmes. In January 2014, Moffat confirmed that the series would have a fourth series, and that a fifth series had been plotted.[3] As of 8 January 2017, 12 episodes of Sherlock have aired, including one special
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- Episode 1 The Six Thatchers
- Sherlock is asked to investigate the mysterious death of a young man, which he solves quickly but he is led into another mystery when a bust of Margaret Thatcher owned by the dead man's father is smashed.
- Episode 2 The Lying Detective
- Sherlock is contacted by the daughter of entrepreneur Culverton Smith, who she claims has confessed to a murder but she does not know who the victim was as her father has used a drug on her that inhibits memory.
- Episode 3 The Final Problem
- Sherlock and Watson – who had been shot with a tranquilizer by Eurus – trick Mycroft into acknowledging her existence. Eurus steps up her attacks on Sherlock, culminating in the bombing of his Baker Street apartment.