Light Hi-Fi - Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life is a 2016 American family comedy film directed by Steve Carr and written by Chris...
Light Hi-Fi - Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life is a 2016 American family comedy film directed by Steve Carr and written by Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer and Kara Holden, based on the 2011 novel of the same name by James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts. The film stars Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle, Retta, Thomas Barbusca, Andy Daly and Adam Pally, and follows a middle school student who sets out to break every one of the many rules made by his domineering principal.
Principal photography began on November 21, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. Lionsgate released the film on October 7, 2016. It received mixed reviews and has grossed over $20 million.
Rafe Khatchadorian (Griffin Gluck), who enjoys a passion for art and has an incredible imagination, transfers mid-year to Hills Village Middle School after being kicked out of his previous one. On his first day, he meets the strict and exceedingly vain Principal Ken Dwight (Andy Daly), who runs the school with an iron will and forces students to comply with an extensive list of senseless rules; and his stern assistant principal Ida Stricker (Retta) who follows along with his antics. Later that same day, an assembly focused on the BaseLine Assessment of Academic Readiness (BLAAR) standardized test, led enthusiastically by Dwight, is interrupted when another student grabs Rafe’s sketchbook in which he had humorously drawn the principal as a zombie repeating “BLAAR” over and over. Dwight responds by destroying the sketchbook, much to the dismay of Rafe as it had been filled with his personal work.
Later that day, Rafe is back in his room with his friend Leo (Thomas Barbusca); the latter suggests that, to get even, Rafe should destroy Dwight’s book, i.e., his rule book. This leads to several pranks intended to show the ridiculousness of these rules. In concert with Leo, they paper the walls of the hallways as well as Dwight’s office with colored sticky notes, change the period bell to end with the sound of flatulence, fill the teachers’ lounge with plastic balls, and turn the trophy case into a fish tank complete with coral and several sea creatures, including an eel. These pranks gain the attention and admiration of Rafe’s fellow students, including Jeanne Galletta (Isabela Moner), the lone member of the AV Club who also sees the pointlessness of Dwight’s rules. Leo, however, suggests strongly to Rafe that he not reveal himself just yet.
Later that day, Rafe is back in his room with his friend Leo (Thomas Barbusca); the latter suggests that, to get even, Rafe should destroy Dwight’s book, i.e., his rule book. This leads to several pranks intended to show the ridiculousness of these rules. In concert with Leo, they paper the walls of the hallways as well as Dwight’s office with colored sticky notes, change the period bell to end with the sound of flatulence, fill the teachers’ lounge with plastic balls, and turn the trophy case into a fish tank complete with coral and several sea creatures, including an eel. These pranks gain the attention and admiration of Rafe’s fellow students, including Jeanne Galletta (Isabela Moner), the lone member of the AV Club who also sees the pointlessness of Dwight’s rules. Leo, however, suggests strongly to Rafe that he not reveal himself just yet.
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- 720p Bluray & 1080p Bluray
- Middle School The Worst Years Of My Lifen (2016)