Light Hi-Fi - Ergo Proxy is a science fiction suspense anime television series, produced by Manglobe, directed by Shukō Murase and writte...
Light Hi-Fi - Ergo Proxy is a science fiction suspense anime television series, produced by Manglobe, directed by Shukō Murase and written by Dai Satō. The anime originally aired from February 25 to August 12, 2006 on the WOWOW satellite network, lasting 23 episodes. It is set in a future where humans and AutoReiv androids coexist peacefully until a virus gives the robots self-awareness, causing them to commit a series of murders. Inspector Re-L Mayer is assigned to investigate, discovering there is a more complicated plot behind it that involves a humanoid species known as 'Proxy' who are the subject of secret government experiments.
The series, which is heavily influenced by philosophy and Gnosticism, features a combination of 2D digital cel animation, 3D computer modeling, and digital special effects. After its release in Japan, the anime was licensed for a DVD release by Geneon Entertainment USA, with a subsequent broadcast on Fuse TV. The show was also distributed to Australian, British and Canadian anime markets. Since its release, Ergo Proxy has received mostly favorable reviews which praised its visuals and themes.
The story begins in a futuristic domed city called Romdeau, built to protect its citizens after a global ecological disaster thousands of years prior. In this utopia, humans and androids known as AutoReivs coexist peacefully under a total management system. A series of murders committed by robots and AutoReivs infected with the Cogito virus (which causes them to become self-aware) begins to threaten the delicate balance of Romdeau's social order. Behind the scenes, the government has been conducting secret experiments on a mysterious humanoid life form called a "Proxy." The Proxy beings (described as almighty, god-like, immortal, omnipotent) are believed to hold the very key to the survival of humanity.
Re-L (pronounced /riːˈɛl/ or "Ree-EL"; also represented by the spelling "R.E.A.L." in the Romdeau citizen database) Mayer is assigned to investigate some of the murders with her AutoReiv partner, Iggy. She encounters two unknown and highly powerful creatures. She later learns that a Proxy was involved. The other central character, an immigrant named Vincent Law, is revealed to be connected in some ways with this Proxy. After being hunted down, Vincent lives in a commune on the outside of the dome for a while. During the massacre of the commune by Raul Creed of the Security Bureau, Vincent leaves the area for Mosk, his birthplace, in an attempt to recover his memories. Re-L later rejoins him to try to discover the truth behind the Proxies and the domes. It is revealed among other things that domes are all created by Proxies as well as the people inhabiting them who are created in special incubators.
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- Eoisode 1 Pulse of Awakening/Awakening - Hajimari no Kodō
- When a series of mysterious attacks involving Cogito infected AutoReivs occur, Re-l is assigned to investigate, and encounters a humanoid monster.
- Episode 2 Confession of a Fellow Citizen/Confession - Yoki Shimin no Kokuhaku
- Re-l struggles to convince her peers of her encounters with the monsters, which she learns are called Proxy.
- Episode 3 Leap into the Void/Mazecity - Mu e no Chōyaku
- Romdeau is no longer a safe haven for Vincent. He is trying to avoid capture by the authorities. As he flees he comes across the infected AutoReiv Pino.
- Episode 4 Signs of Future, Hades of Future/Futu-Risk - Mirai Yomi, Mirai Yomi
- Vincent and Pino are taken in by a small commune, the inhabitants of which make a living off the refuse dumped from the Dome.
- Episode 5 Recall/Twilight - Shōkan
- Re-l braves the outside world in order to bring Vincent back to Romdeau.
- Episode 6 Return Home/Domecoming - Kikan
- Re-l's life becomes endangered when she falls ill after exposure to the harsh environment.
- Episode 7 RE-L124C41+ - Riru 124C41+
- Re-l recovers from her illness and wanders through the facility, where she stumbles upon Romdeau's artificial birthing system.
- Episode 8 Light Beam/Shining Sign - Kōsen
- Vincent and Pino are caught in the middle of a battle between humans and AutoReivs.
- Episode 9 Shards of Brilliance/Angel's Share - Kagayaki no Hahen
- Vincent awakes under the care of the blond man from the last episode, Kazkis Hauer.
- Episode 10 Existence/Cytotropism - Sonzai
- Disturbed by recent events, Raul questions the future of Romdeau.
- Episode 11 In the White Darkness/Anamnesis - Shiroi Yami no Naka
- Vincent finds a strange book store and an even stranger old man, where he discovers more about his true nature.
- Episode 12 When You're Smiling/Hideout - Kimi Hohoemeba
- Vincent tells Re-l that he is a Proxy, but she refuses to believe him.
- Episode 13 Conceptual Blindspot/Wrong Way Home - Kōsō no Shikaku
- The homeless AutoReiv retrieves his master's body from a confused Iggy, and drags him back to a room.
- Episode 14 Someone Like You/Ophelia - Anata ni Nita Dareka
- While resting in a long-abandoned dome, strange occurrences take place and the trio's lives are endangered.
- Episode 15 Nightmare Quiz Show/Who Wants to Be in Jeopardy! - [Nama] Akumu no Kuizu Show!
- Finding himself in a bizarre live game show, Vincent's trivia knowledge is put to the test as he battles for his life.
- Episode 16 Dead Calm/Busy Doing Nothing - Deddo Kāmu
- When winds die out, the trio are stranded aboard the Centzon and Re-l finds herself struggling to hold on to her sanity.
- Episode 17 Never-Ending Battle/Terra Incognita - Owaranai Tatakai
- Romdo is on high alert as they search for the fugitive Raul, who plans to activate a deadly weapon.
- Episode 18 Sign of the End/Life After God - Shūchaku no Shirabe
- The trio reach the devastated Mosk, Vincent's home city, and find that the truths lead back to Romdo.
- Episode 19 The Girl with a Smile/Eternal Smile - Shōjo Sumairu
- Pino explores the mysterious Smile Land with the NaKaMa, and confronts the Creator of the city.
- Episode 20 Sacred Eye of the Void/Goodbye, Vincent - Kokū no Hijiri Me
- Vincent finds himself trapped within Re-l's consciousness, and observes powerlessly as events unfold.
- Episode 21 The Place at the End of Time/Shampoo Planet - Toki Hate Tsuru Sho
- A Cogito outbreak spreads through Romdo and the city falls into chaos.
- Episode 22 Bind/Bilbul - Shikkoku
- As the city continues to crumble, Vincent and Re-l encounter Proxy One.
- Episode 23 Proxy/Deus ex Machina - Dairinin
- Pieces are played and revelations uncovered as the final fight commences. Monad makes her return and tries to convince Vincent to join her.