Light Hi-Fi - Silicon Valley is an American comedy television series created by Mike Judge, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky. The series f...
Light Hi-Fi - Silicon Valley is an American comedy television series created by Mike Judge, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky. The series focuses on six young men who found a startup company in Silicon Valley. The series premiered on April 6, 2014, on HBO. The first season consisted of eight episodes. HBO renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on April 12, 2015. On April 13, 2015, HBO renewed Silicon Valley for a third season, which premiered on April 24, 2016. On April 21, 2016, HBO announced it had renewed the series for a fourth season to air in 2017.
Richard Hendricks (Thomas Middleditch) is a shy, reclusive programmer who works at a large internet company called Hooli. He is also developing a music app called Pied Piper in a live-in startup business incubator run by entrepreneur Erlich Bachman (T. J. Miller). After a rocky post-TED elevator pitch of Pied Piper to venture capitalist Peter Gregory (Christopher Evan Welch), Hendricks also shows his work to a pair of programmers at Hooli who mock him. Within hours, however, Hooli executive Donald "Jared" Dunn (Zach Woods) and Gregory's assistant Monica (Amanda Crew) discover that the app contains a revolutionary data compression algorithm. Hooli CEO Gavin Belson (Matt Ross) proposes a US$4 million buy-out of Pied Piper, while Peter Gregory offers a $200,000 investment for 5% ownership in the company, an offer that would result in an equivalent valuation for the company. This leads Belson to increase his offer to $10 million. With encouragement from Monica and the support of Bachman, Hendricks chooses Gregory's offer. He hires the residents of the incubator, except for his friend Nelson "Big Head" Bighetti (Josh Brener), to become the Pied Piper team, along with Dunn, who defects from Hooli.
Richard Hendricks (Thomas Middleditch) is a shy, reclusive programmer who works at a large internet company called Hooli. He is also developing a music app called Pied Piper in a live-in startup business incubator run by entrepreneur Erlich Bachman (T. J. Miller). After a rocky post-TED elevator pitch of Pied Piper to venture capitalist Peter Gregory (Christopher Evan Welch), Hendricks also shows his work to a pair of programmers at Hooli who mock him. Within hours, however, Hooli executive Donald "Jared" Dunn (Zach Woods) and Gregory's assistant Monica (Amanda Crew) discover that the app contains a revolutionary data compression algorithm. Hooli CEO Gavin Belson (Matt Ross) proposes a US$4 million buy-out of Pied Piper, while Peter Gregory offers a $200,000 investment for 5% ownership in the company, an offer that would result in an equivalent valuation for the company. This leads Belson to increase his offer to $10 million. With encouragement from Monica and the support of Bachman, Hendricks chooses Gregory's offer. He hires the residents of the incubator, except for his friend Nelson "Big Head" Bighetti (Josh Brener), to become the Pied Piper team, along with Dunn, who defects from Hooli.
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- Episode 1 (Minimum Viable Product)
- Richard is a computer programmer. He has to choose between a $10 million deal with Gavin Belson and a $200.000 deal with Peter Gregory, in exchange for his cooperation to make the idea of a super compressing algorithm change the world.
- Episode 2 (The Cap Table)
- Richard hires Jared to design a business plan. Big Head is asked to work for Gavin Belson, where he discovers that Hooli has stolen the Pied Piper algorithm and calls it Nucleus. Meanwhile Richard struggles to get his money from Gregory.
- Episode 3 (Articles of Incorporation)
- The guys find themselves in trouble with their company name when they find out it's already taken. So whilst Richard tries to find a solution, Erlich searches for a new name in another dimension of his consciousness.
- Episode 4 (Fiduciary Duties)
- Richard drunkenly promises to make Erlich a board member, which he regrets the next morning. Big Head finds others at Hooli, who like him, have made careers out of doing nothing. Richard struggles to put Pied Piper's vision into words.
- Episode 5 (Signaling Risk)
- Now that Pied Piper is the official company name, Erlich wants a logotype to go with it so he hires a very unexpected artist in for the job. Meanwhile Richard gets a tighter deadline for the project after a simple mistake.
- Episode 6 (Third Party Insourcing)
- Richard comes across a problem in the code writing and hires Kevin, a young kid, to write the code for him.
- Episode 7 (Proof of Concept)
- Richard has trouble getting Pied Piper ready in time for the TechCrunch Disrupt, while Erlich realizes he slept with the wife of one of the judges of the contest.
- Episode 8 (Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency)
- Pied Piper makes it to the next stage of Disrupt but runs into trouble with Hooli's presentation. The guys break out into a ridiculous argument and Richard tries to pull Pied Piper together before the big presentation.